Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals‐, Brust‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli
Gabriella Poli
29.-30. August 2020
Berlin, Deutschland
Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals‐, Brust‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli
Lösen der transversalen Faszien‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals‐, Brust‐ und Lendenwirbel – Level 2
-mit Übersetzung-
Vertebras Realignment
In this Second Level students will learn specific Fascia release techniques to realign lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebras. A peculiarity of these realignment techniques is their total safety for the receiver as only the very special Fascia release light touch will be used.
These techniques have a very deep and global impact on the energetic system of the receiver and therefore particular emphasis will be given to their integration in a Shiatsu session.
Participants will therefore have the opportunity to review and apply the Fascia release techniques learned and experienced during Level 1,
Contents of the Workshop:
– Specific Fascia release techniques to realign lumbar and thoracic vertebras
– Specific Fascia release techniques to realign Atlas and Axis
– Specific Fascia Release techniques to re-align cervical vertebras 3 to 7
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the Workshop, participants will be able to:
– Diagnose the mis-alignment of cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebras
– Apply specific techniques to re-align cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebras
– Integrate these re-alignment techniques into a Shiatsu session
29.-30. August 2020
Faszien Teil 2: Lösen der transversalen Faszien‐Ebenen (oberer Thorax, Zwerchfell, Beckenboden) Ausrichtung der Hals‐, Brust‐ und Lendenwirbel mit Gabriella Poli
Gabriella Poli
ESI Berlin
Bizetstr. 41
13088 Berlin