The Joy Division – die Ebene der Freude
Bill Palmer und Teresa Hadland
12.-14. November 2021
Hamburg, Deutschland

The Joy Division – die Ebene der Freude
The Joy Divisions -die Ebene der Freude
english version below
12. – 14. November 2021
Fr und Sa 10-18, So 10.00- 17.00
375,- Euro (GSD/SGS/ÖDS: 355,-)
Bei Buchung weniger als 4 Wochen vor Kursbeginn 425,- Euro (GSD/SGS/ÖDS 400,-)
Bill Palmer und Theresa Hadland unterrichten auf Englisch. Es wird eine Übersetzung ins Deutsch angeboten.
Working with the Shao Yin and Tai Yang to liberate the Spirit
Doing Shiatsu is not only about fixing problems, particularly if the condition is chronic. In chronic situations, it is easy to become dispirited and feel like a victim. In this workshop we will show how to use movement, Shiatsu and voice to focus on a person’s positive life-energy rather than on their problems. This approach touches the spirit and empowers the client.
We will show techniques for contacting the deepest structures in the body, the inner organs and the skeleton, and through these to activate the Shao Yin and Tai Yang channels. The Shao Yin connects the Kidney meridian to the Heart and provides a pathway for primal life energy to revitalise the body and light up the person’s life. Joy is the emotion you feel when you are in touch with your core spirit, which is why Bill calls the Shao Yin the Joy Division. The Tai Yang joins the Bladder to the Small Intestine and creates a clear channel for our authentic energy to be expressed in our actions without being squashed by social pressure.
In a way, working with these energies gives the deepest healing, because they show us how to be authentic and enjoy life even when we have difficulty.
12. – 14. November 2021
Fr & Sa 10-18, So 10.00- 17.00
375,- Euro
Price for booking later than 4 weeks before class starts: 425,- Euro
Bill Palmer und Theresa Hadland unterrichten auf Englisch. Es wird eine Übersetzung ins Deutsch angeboten.
12.-14. November 2021
The Joy Division – die Ebene der Freude
Bill Palmer und Teresa Hadland
Schule für Shiatsu Hamburg
040 430 18 85
Oelkersallee 33
22769 Hamburg